Patient Participation Group

Are you interested in finding out more about our practice and the development of health services both in the surgery and in the local area? Would you like to influence how local health services are developed?

We are actively seeking patients to join our patient participation group. Patients of any age, gender or background can attend our meetings to find out more about any changes happening or any ideas you may like to suggest for improvement of your experience at the practice.

If this is something you may be interested in our next meeting will be in the surgery on the evening of Thursday February 20th at 7:15pm. We look forward to seeing you.

Macmillan Cancer Support will be speaking on their new initiative:
#CanyouCme campaign.

The project aims to overarch goals to break down existing barriers in cancer care and create a more inclusive responsive healthcare system for the BME communities.

This includes bridging the gaps in awareness, support and access to resources ensuring equitable care for all.

They will be informing patients about their referral scheme for anyone affected by Cancer. The referral paths can be from the health professional such as GP, Nurse, clinical health professional or patients can self-refer.

Plus, discussion on other surgery and healthcare issues.